Friday 30 May 2014


jacket: thrifted | dress: UNIF | shoes: Dr. Martens

I won't even apologise for wearing these again because I love these shoes too much. I love my dress from UNIF too much to even care about the amount of stares I've received from wearing this dress. 

I've also decided that I really want to go to a fashion school in Japan or if not, I still would want to live there for the fashion and the food so I'm learning Japanese!

Not much has happened recently but you can find me at:

If you liked my previous post, please like it on TeenVogue for me!


  1. WOWEEE I absolutely love this post!!! That dress? It perfection! And your shoes? They are AMAZING! I really really love this post so thank you so much!
    xx Harper
    Oh and my blog URL is-

  2. Oh wow this dress is absolutely incredible!
    Lucia's Loves


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